Lot's of activities are happening this spring! We'd like to see everyone join in the meetings and events planned for April. Please feel free to invite a family member, friend, colleague, or neighbor to join us.
April 5th at 12:00 Noon: Beth Casavant and Jason Palitsch will speak about the upcoming May 4th Town Ballot.
April 7th (Wednesday) from 6:00 - 7:00 PM: All Rotarians are invited to attend a complimentary Investment and Retirement webinar hosted by Central One Federal Credit Union. Attendees will learn the basics of:
- Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
- The current economic environment.
- Tax efficiency and income planning concepts regarding IRAs, 401k and 403b plans.
- View examples of investment portfolios.
To register for this event, follow the link below.
April 10th and 24th (Saturdays) from 8:00 – 9:00 AM: Support Westborough Rotary with their Trex Challenge Plastic Recycling. Drop off plastics at Kohl’s Retail Store in Northborough (drive to rear of store). Westborough Rotary volunteers will collect your plastic. Below is a link to Westborough Rotary page to see what plastics can be recycled.
April 12th at 5:30 PM: The club will revisit the Member Survey – Tracy and Owen
April 19th at 7:30 PM: Game Night via Zoom – Judy will host the game “One Word”. *Patriots Day - No regular meeting. Please note time.*
April 24th (Saturday) from 8:00 AM - 12 Noon: Rotarians at Work for Town Clean-up Day. I have already registered the Rotary Club to clean up Rotary Park. (Sign-up Genius will be emailed for volunteers)
April 26th at 12:00 Noon: Speaker TBD