Rotarians Working Together for the Community "Service Above Self"

On the morning of March 27, 2023, Shrewsbury Rotarians gathered at the Shrewsbury Senior Center to create emergency kits for local senior citizens, veterans, and Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services. The kits included hand crank flashlight that also is a radio and cell phone charger. They also included a fire extinguisher, can opener, whistle, paper towels etc. as well as a list of personal items to be added by the individual or family. The kits are designed to be grabbed in a hurry with everything one would need in case of an emergency. This is another project that the Rotary Club of Shrewsbury's members worked together for the community. Right outside of the Senior Center, you will find the Community Fridge that was opened for the community in the spring of 22 by the club. If you think you would like to learn more about becoming a Rotarian, please contact us and/or join us for a meeting.